I Have a Few Shingles Missing. Will my Roof Leak?

Aug 16, 2023 | Wind

So you noticed you have a few shingles missing.

You might be wondering, “How bad is it?”

It’s good you’re here.


Loose Shingles on Mansard RoofYour roof is arguably the most vital component of your home.

Your roof keeps the the rest of your home dry.

And it provides shelter for your family.

A few missing shingles (or even just one) can pose a risk to the integrity of your roof and lead to potential water damage.


We will answer some common questions related to missing shingles.

So you have a good idea of the next steps you should take.

First to Answer the Main Question

Will my roof leak with a few missing shingles?

The answer is yes your roof could definitely leak with even one missing shingle.

But if you repair it in time, you greatly reduce the chances of a roof leak.

How do I Know if I Have Shingles Missing?

Routine roof inspections are a homeowner’s first defense.

On occasion, and especially after severe wind or hail it’s important to take a good look around your roof and your property to check for signs of roof storm damage.

Missing Roof Shingles in Yard

Here are signs to look for:

  • Dark (or light) Patches on Roof: A sign of a missing shingle is a dark spot on the roof, which shows darker (or lighter) granules in the nail zone from the shingle above or even exposed underlayment.
  • Loose Shingles : Even from ground level, it might be possible to spot missing shingles or loose shingles, especially after a storm or high winds.
  • Shingles in Yard: You might see shingle pieces in your yard. If so, take a look at your roof to see where it may have come from.
  • Granules in Gutters: Excessive granules in gutters may indicate deteriorating shingles that are close to failing or have already come off.
  • Clogged Gutters & Downspouts: On occasion, you may notice a downspout that is clogged. Grab your ladder and take a peek over the eave to see if a loose shingle may be blocking the downspout.

If you see any of these issues, immediate action is required prevent further complications.

Why do Shingles Blow Off?

Shingle failure can occur for different reasons.

Blown off shingles is the most common evidence that you’ve got a problem.

Severe Roof Wind Damage Shingle Blow Off

But the source of the problem may be something different.

A variety of factors contribute to reasons why shingle blow-offs:

  • High Winds: The most prevalent reason, particularly during turbulent weather. Strong gusts can get underneath the edges of shingles and peel them away, especially if they aren’t securely fastened.
  • No Starter Strips: Starter shingles are the lowest layer of shingles installed on the eaves right at the edge before installing the first course of shingles. They help reduce the risk of shingle blow-offs.
  • Improper Installation: Shingles that haven’t been correctly installed, perhaps due to inadequate nailing or misalignment, are more susceptible to blowing off.
  • Poor Self-sealing: The adhesive seal between shingle course may have broken, so that shingle edges do not have as much holding power to remain in place.
  • Aging: Over time, shingles wear out, lose their granules, become brittle, and are easily dislodged even by lower wind speeds.
  • Structural Issues: Issues such as inadequate attic ventilation can cause temperature imbalances, leading to warping and curling of shingles, making them more vulnerable to blow-offs.

Understanding the reasons your shingles became dislodged can help guide your next steps.

Sliding Shingle Poor Nailing

And can help prevent further roof damage.

It’s important to bring in a professional local roofing company to assist.

Can a Few Shingles Missing Cause a Roof Leak?


The primary function of shingles is to act as a barrier against external elements, especially water.

When even one shingle is missing.

It creates a vulnerable point for water infiltration.

Especially concerning is when a missing shingle is located above a seam between the underlying shingles.

Exposed Shingle Seam and Nails

This seam will allow water infiltration below the shingle.

You may have exposed nail heads which provide a point of leak risk.


The underlayment may be exposed.

And it is not meant to withstand long-term exposure to the elements, making roof leaks probable.

Can One Missing Shingle be Replaced?

While replacing a single shingle is entirely feasible.

You will still want to have your roof inspected by a trained roofer.

A trained local roofing expert will tell you whether or not the damage might be claimable damage.

For DIY enthusiasts who like home repairs, there are plenty of online resources.

Here is an example of a demo video showing how to replace a missing shingle.

However, remember that roof work comes with risks.

Safety should always come first.

If roof work and shingle replacement seems outside your complete comfort zone, it is best to enlist the services of professional roofers who can ensure a thorough and safe job.

How Many Shingles Need to be Missing for Insurance to Replace my Roof?

Insurance policies vary widely.

While some might cover the costs of roof replacement with just a handful of missing shingles.

Others might stipulate specific conditions.

Wind Damage Roof Shingle Blow Off

Your insurance policy may require evidence of roof damage over a certain area or percentage.

A roof insurance claims expert can help you in determining whether the extent of damage might warrant an insurance claim.

Next Steps if You Notice Missing Shingles

Missing shingles should be urgently attended to.

The longer a roof remains exposed, the higher the chances of consequential damage.

Even if you notice shingle damage during winter months, you should get it checked out.

Nebraska Roof Loose Shingle

Safety is paramount.

If in doubt about tackling a DIY project, it’s best to engage a reputable, local roofing company.

They won’t just replace missing shingles but will also conduct a comprehensive roof assessment, flagging other potential issues.

If you haven’t had any water intrusion, they may simply replace the shingles.

Or they may suggest some other roof leak repair options.

If your roof has been damaged by severe weather,

Need Help With Missing Shingles in Omaha?

Your home’s roof is its frontline defense against the elements. Thus, keeping it in prime condition is essential. We assist with wind and hail damage roof repair and roof replacement.

Millard Roofing provides roofing services in Omaha and eastern Nebraska, including the communities of: OmahaLincolnBellevueBenningtonBlairElkhornFremontGretnaLa VistaPapillionSpringfield, and all cities in between.

Request a complimentary roof inspection today!


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