17 Tell-tale Signs Your Roof May Have Storm Damage (Important) Infographic

Dec 21, 2023 | Hail, Wind

17 Tell-tale Signs Your Roof May Have Storm Damage

Storms can wreak havoc on a roof, often leaving subtle but harmful signs of damage. Identifying these signs early can prevent minor issues from escalating into costly repairs. Here are some key indicators of storm damage to roofs:

If your shingles are missing or look battered, it’s a direct call for inspection. Shingles are your roof’s first defense, and any compromise can lead to leaks. Similarly, finding granules from shingles in your gutters is a tell-tale sign of wear; these granules play a crucial role in protecting shingles from ultraviolet rays and their loss can accelerate roof aging.

Leaks in your home indicate potential breaches in the roof. Stains or trickles on your interior walls or ceiling, especially after a storm, are red flags. Hail damage might leave its mark on shingles too, with distinct pitting or dents, which can diminish the roof’s protective capability.

The roofing elements such as flashing and vents are susceptible to storm damage. Flashing, which seals the perimeters and valleys of the roof, can be prone to bending or puncturing, while dents on vents may signal more extensive damage.

Gutters clogged with storm debris can obstruct water flow, potentially causing water to back up and seep under roofing materials, while excessive water near the foundation can lead to structural issues.

Fallen tree limbs can damage more than just the surface of the roof. They might affect the underlying structure, which could necessitate more than a simple shingle replacement. Similarly, if the roof feels soft underfoot or looks uneven or saggy, it could indicate trapped moisture and weakened material.

Energy bills that spike suddenly can be attributed to compromised roof insulation, allowing heat to escape. Moreover, if you spot shingle fragments on the ground around your home, it’s a sign your roof could be deteriorating.

On the inside, if your attic shows water damage, it’s often due to roof failure. Keep an eye out for wet insulation or a musty odor. Also, be cautious of electrical issues during rain, which could stem from a leaky roof.

In short, these signs serve as a guide for homeowners to assess their roof’s health after a storm and prompt the need for a thorough professional evaluation to ensure their home remains safe and sound.

This topic is covered in more depth in a blog post titled: 17 Tell-tale Signs Your Roof May Have Storm Damage.


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